It is difficult for the average consumer to tell the difference between sponge rubber and foam rubber. This is because the two terms are often used interchangeably, but their applications are very different considering their molecular structure and benefits to the user. Rubber foam supplier has broken down the differences between them, common applications and industries to help in the decision-making process when choosing the right material for your project. Rubber foam Rubber foam is an inflatable structure, usually made of polyurethane or latex (PVC). Because its compartments are structurally rigid, it excels at being a sound and/or physical impact damper. This is why one of its main uses is in the manufacture of mattresses, as foam rubber is known for its durability, ageing resistance and longevity. It is also lightweight, has excellent cushioning properties and is buoyant. Other common applications are glass protection and transport mats, sun visors, equip...